Monday, June 10, 2013

Tomato season is coming!

Tomatoes are everywhere. All my plants have lots and lots of tomatoes on them.
This one is the first Mortgage Lifter.

These are Opalkas, a paste tomato.

It won't be long before the dreaded hornworm comes around. I generally inspect the plants each morning and again in the evening, looking for the telltale skeletal leaves. Being colorblind, I find it very difficult to spot the catapillars, but their damage to the leaves gives them away.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A case of squash vine borers.

I had my first dealings with squash vine borer this year. Some got into the first of the pumpkins I planted. I noticed some of the leaves starting to turn yellow (with green veins)  but only on half or less of the plant.

So I started doing some investigating and found this in the stems. 

As you can see, this section of the stem, near the roots, is starting to split which is a sure indication of a squash vine borer. 
 I cut this section of the vine out and put the small section with the borer in the trash and the rest in the compost pile.  I am growing several pumpkin plants this year (Connecticut field pumpkins) so the loss of half a plant is no great setback.