I am growing two types of green beans this year. The first to harvest was the Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean. I planted a couple dozen plants I had started indoors back on March 14th. They went into the ground on March 25th and I had my first harvest on June 1st. They are fine beans that produce a bountiful harvest, but they get a little tough if you don't pick them young, and the beans start to show in the pods at a very early stage.
The second type of I am growing is Blue Lake Bush Bean. I direct sowed them on May 3rd and harvested them on June 26th. Their beans are more uniform in size and do not show bean 'bulges' when they are larger. They tend to be nice straight beans and are more attractive on the plate.
Next year I plan on trying Blue Lake Pole beans to see if the pole type Blue Lakes are as good as the bush type. I hope so, because picking pole beans is far easier than picking bush beans.
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