Saturday, June 9, 2012

Today's blooms. 6/9/12

The neighbor's kids brought over some zucchini bread today. It was made from some zucchini that I had given them. My neighbor makes some killer zucchini bread! I haven't seen any new fruit set on the zucchini plants since I harvested the first batch of around 8 of them. I made one into sauteed zucchini seasoned with garlic, ginger and S&P. I gave the rest away to friends and neighbors or fed to the dogs. The dogs need to have some of the peel removed to get them started, then they will eat the flesh and leave the peel.
My Jackmanii clematis is still blooming up through the hydrangeas.
Dahlia in bloom

White balloon flowers 

Double White Balloon Flowers

Hostas in flower

Blueberries are ripening.

A lace cap purple hydrangea


Trumpet lillies


Double Cheeto Daylilies with coreopsis.

Gold Flame Honeysuckle

The road garden.


  1. I can't wait till my zucchini starts producing, I LOVE zucchini bread.

    1. I have never made zucchini bread, and have only recently tried it. I can't believe I wasted so much of my life without trying it. I too LOVE it!
      I am hoping my plant will start producing again soon so I can make some of my own.
